Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Mental Health Care Entails Specializedâ€Free Samples Free Students

Question: Discuss About the Mental Health Care Entails Specialized? Answer: Introducation Mental health nursing care entails specialized health care for people with mental distress or mental illness in all ages. Some of the conditions associated with mental distress include dementia, schizophrenia, depression, psychosis and bipolar disorders. Psychiatric nurses are trained in psychological therapies in order to deal with the challenging behaviors and psychiatric medical administration(Nursing and Midwifery Order, 2001). Nurses specialized in mental care work in the mental institutes, hospitals and correctional facilities and hence there is need for them to create professional boundaries with the patients. These boundaries are important to ensure safety of both the nurse and patient and maintenance of a therapeutic relationship. It also prevents the nurse from personal instability due to the nature of their work and also to instill safety and containment feelings to the patient. The relationship between the nurse and patient has been traditionally essential hence; in their day to day decision making and practice should exhibit a deeper understanding of legal, ethics and professionalism in their nursing field. Legal issues Legal issues include the statute and case laws. Nurses are healthcare professionals and generally care for the wellbeing of patients(Security issues in internet, 2014).Their educational requirements should be according to the statutory regulations of a given country. Statutes have impact on health care and also international standards and include various acts such as Mental Act, Children Act and Abortion Act. Mental Acts for example offer the patient the ability to have an attorney to make for them decisions since they are unable to do them by themselves. These acts ensure that there is strict privacy of the patients information and allows the individuals to take legal actions if this right is violated. Since patients have constitutional rights to choose the form of treatment they prefer, nurses should ensure that the patients get the form of treatment they want and treatment can only be therapeutically necessary if only the patient is incapable of consent. Case laws also help to mon itor the standards in nursing and medical profession. The court normally makes judgments normally based on the best interest of the patient hence its important for nurses to make informed decisions in regard to patients before carrying out activities such as mercy killing. Nurses are also required to have a good understanding of the legal principles through education and teachings prior to practice to ensure that they will apply them in the nursing field(American Nurses Association, 2014). Nurses need to be able to read and comprehend the legal language and analyze how it will affect them and their patients for example its a fundamental right of a human being to have the basic of food, water, clothing and medication. The nurses should therefore not deny the mental patients this right as it can lead to misunderstandings, or consequently deaths leading to law pursuits by the patients family. Its therefore important for the nurses to understand the legal language and critically analyze how it can affect their decisions. Nurses should also intervene in cases whereby the laid laws affect their ability to deliver quality health care to the patients. This will not only create a good image of them but will make the patients to feel appreciated and wanted in the society. Nurses should not only view legal requirements as issues pertaining to their rules and regulation s but should see it as chance to make a contribution n to the constitution laws. They can do this by petitioning or making amendments in the constitution regarding quality health provision to the patients. The most important legal aspect is the Nurse Practice Act that gives them authority to practice their profession. Its therefore essential for nurses to understand the various dimensions of this act in their practice. This is because this nursing practice is regulated by the nursing board of a particular states government(Australian Human Rights Commission, 2014). Nurses must therefore take their time to know these stated rules and regulations and how they impact their practice. Since a nurses profession is purely dedicated to nursing, violation of some of these rights may lead to serious consequences such as loss of their jobs or licensure penalties. These boards are essential as they issue nurses with licenses, regulate their practice, interpret specific laws under Practice Act and work together with the administrative law all with the main aim of ensuring public safety in provision of health services(Australian Nursing Federation (2013). The nursing practice is controlled by federa l and city state laws, precedent of cases in court and lawsuits against nurses hence its necessary for nurses to observe these rules to avoid negative implications. Ethical issues Ethical codes are guidelines that shape behavior of a person according to be beliefs and values that are morally accepted in the society. Ethical codes provide direction to the healthcare professionals. These codes of ethics are normally not negotiable in the nursing field. Nurses must apply ethical guidelines in all fields and not just in clinical roles only. Nurses owe others the same obligation they owe themselves and they should also maintain integrity, participate in national development, and express nursing values(Johnson, 2013). These code of ethics is normally customer focused and emphasizes that the nurse must maintain loyalty to the patient regardless on the negative forces that may come from the other family members and should as much as possible avoid interests that may be conflicting or may result to negative effects on the patients health. The patients should be regarded as patients rather than clients hence nurses should uphold each of the patients dignity as much as t hey uphold theirs and treat them with respect equally. Dignity should be highly valued in whatever circumstances the patient is in (Commonwealth of Australia, 2014). Beneficence These are acts of kindness, charity, mercy and compassion with the moral obligation of doing well to others. The nurse has a professional requirement or right of always taking care of the patient has a first priority before anything else without any favoritism, discrimination or exception (Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2013). Beneficence as an integral part of a nurses work compels the individual to consider his or her work to high levels of professionalism hence one works achievement of high standards and good work. Nurses can uphold the practice of beneficence byshowing respect to the patient, peers; family is a very important aspect of nursing and promotion of principles of healthcare. Its key in the building up of good relationships with others in the nursing environment and is key in decision-making and help build good boundaries in the daily activities of a nurse (Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2014). Giving of respect helps to improve each others esteem, essence, uniqueness, and honor of ones wholeness. It also helps the nurse to uphold a sense of integrity and self-knowledge. Beneficence is important in the success of clinical practice and nurses can embrace this by communicating with the patients effectively, engaging them in decision making and respecting their decisions without judging them. Beneficence also promotes the primary healthcare principle of equity, as the nurse is able to provide health services to the patient without discrimination relating to the circumstances they might be economically or socially (Australian Law Reform Commission, 2017). Non-maleficence This is a term used to mean that in the nursing practice, nurses have pledged to take care of the patients with their knowledge and ability to prevent them from the worse or complication of their conditions. Non-maleficence requires that the nurse act in the best way possible so as not to harm the patient or to protect the patient from getting injuries. There are cases whereby some kind of treatments can cause harm to the patient, in such cases, the nurse should weigh the possible alternative as a form of avoid harm to the patient (Spector, 2014). The act of non-maleficence is aimed at the best-interest of the patient receiving treatment thus it gives rise to several rules that the nurses should observe. Some of the harmful practices that a nurse should avoid include; killing, causing more pain, causing disability to someone, doing an illegal abortion, depriving one their freedom and also depriving one the opportunity to have pleasure. Therefore a nurse while carrying out her duties should ensure that her acts are morally right and are aimed at doing the patient good and not evil. The code of nursing is normally based on the good of society, the nursing sector, the patient, and health in general. Therefore, nurses ought to promote and restore health, prevent illness and diseases and alleviate suffering of the patients. The code of practice normally gives a clear outline of what the nurses should do while carrying out their activities in order to promote quality nursing care. The code of non-malfeasance calls for nurses to prevent the patients from any harm by reporting any illegal, unsafe and unethical practice by any individual to the relevant authorities to take immediate action. The interest of the nurses to do well to others without causing any harm enhances their self-esteem and work output and are normally given more respect in the society (Australian Government, 2016). There is the malpractice suit to nurses who do not uphold this and normally they are punished and the patient compensated for the harm done to them. This is in respect to the patients rig ht of respectful and considerate care. Justice Justice is a bioethics principle that refers to giving others what is dully theirs and entails fair distribution of the benefits and risks. In the nursing practice, justice refers to treating patients with fairness and respect regardless of their conditions; either social, economic, race or gender. Healthcare provision should also be culture sensitive includes offering health services to individuals irrespective of their economic or social standards, nature of their health complications, gender; race or personal attributes (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2013). A compassionate nurse upholds and advocates for social justice in healthcare provision worldwide. Justice is attained through fair distribution of the health services and the upholding of the basic principle of equity. The healthcare principle of equity entails the fact that the nurse should be able to provide health services to the patient without discrimination relating to the circumstances they might be economic or social (Australian Law Reform Commission, 2017). Professionalism Boundaries and violations According to the Nurses Registration Board, professionalism refers to the codes conduct that guide professionals (Rushton, 2015). The concept of professionalism in nursing can be discussed from key dimensions of cognitive, psychomotor, and attitudinal aspects. Professionalism is very essential in nursing practice as it shows value and respect for ones profession. The code of professional conduct is there to guide the nurses and midwives in their day-to-day activities of provision of healthcare services in an efficient, safe, and ethical way. Any nurse or midwife who goes against this code of professionalism can face legal pursuits and their license can be withheld hence they can no longer be in practice. Nurses should exhibit professional values. This can be shown through nurses acting for the care and wellbeing of the public, before their own interests. They must also practice autonomously, be accountable and responsible for evidence based nursing, compassionate, patient-centered safety that seeks to uphold and respect human rights and their dignities. This professionalism can be evidenced through integrity and working according to the laid down ethical and legal frameworks along with professional aspects. Nurses should partner with other social health providers and agencies , families, their workmates and service users to ensure that decision making is informative and inclusive of others to avoid making of bad decisions. Nurses should also exhibit good communication and interpersonal skills. Their communications should be precise, compassionate, respectful, safe and effective. They must communicate using various strategies both formal and informal and also effective technologies to express themselves or pass out some information(Daly, 2013). They can also use formal languages when communicating with their peers in work/meeting settings. Their communication should seek to be efficient even with people with disabilities by the use of interpreters so as to get the required information. This will not only promote provision of quality health services, but also ensure equality in accessing these services. In communicating with their superiors or supervisors, they should also show respect by their addressing them with their job titles or official name. They should take into consideration that both vertical and horizontal forms of communication are essential in a workplace. In nursing practice, the nurses should the dignity of the patients. They must also ensure that everyone who comes to their health facilities gets the essential mental and physical help required irrespective of their age, gender, or economic situations. They should help the patients get immediate care or first aid before being attended to by the respective specialists. They should also ensure that they meet the complex and varied needs of people in their field of practice, whether it is at home, hospitals or community. In their decision-makings, nurses should ensure that the patients family, other service providers and peers are involved to make sure that possible interventions can be reached. using the appropriate technology or means of communication (In the mix ,2014). Nurses should also take into account how various factors such as culture, socio economic conditions, environment and behaviors can affect a patients outcome in terms of illness or the healing problems, hence plan on a better way of delivering care. Conclusion Nurses should be able to exhibit leadership, management, and team working. Nurses are accountable through the process of clinical governance that seeks to improve healthcare standards and maintenance of nursing practices. They must be able to respond well to certain situations confidently and in a planned manner to prove that they can manage themselves and others effectively. They must also come up with ways and ideas of how to improve provision of healthcare services as well as coming up with opportunities and maximizing on them. They must also show that they can further their leadership skills and further management in others fields. Since nurses have different ranks according to their academic qualifications, they can use that power given to them to make a difference in the working environment by promoting a healthy nurse-patient relationship. References Aged Care Crisis.(2015). Accreditation FAQs. Retrieved March 20, 2017 from https://www.agedcarecrisis.com/accreditation/accreditation-faqs Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2012). 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